Resistance and Acceptance

On the topic of Resistance and Acceptance

In the deepest most beautiful way we are divine beings our essence made of stardust the all knowing being stillness consciousness and bliss. SAT CHIT ANANDA

In this moment we are consciousness in form with a purpose to experience the humanness, the planet , our biology and all this internal and external existence.

I do love the idea of surrender, though in practice it is a difficult concept to put into place. Sure surrender into that deepest SAT CHIT ANANDA that knowing that underneath at the core of everything all is well and everything is happening as it is supposed to…our gifts are our challenges…

The concept of acceptance brings in another layer in this human life. Accept what and from who? Rules? Diagnosis? Limitations? At this point my own willful ways come into play, I will want to live my best life and my best experience. There is nothing more important than this heart knowing this desire, this wish. Don’t tell me to accept something! Of course fighting fire with fire is futile. There is a place of peace and ease to cultivate. That is my path the road to peace with play:-)

Lora Sheldon